August 20, 2022

Venture Cafe Phoenix Community Story

The Power of Thinking BIG – Community Story by Venture Cafe Phoenix

There are many articles and practices that emphasize that your mindset is key as you create a startup or even how you think about yourself as a leader.  Aaron Bare, a Wall Street Journal and USA Today Bestselling Author of Exponential Theory, the Power of Thinking Big wants to help entrepreneurs/leaders to embrace a new mindset – exponential thinking.

The exponential mindset idea began for Aaron as he recently watched companies who have a long history of success fail in a short period of time. He saw the new, massively transformative exponential companies like Amazon and Tesla expand at an incredible pace while also expanding their purpose, creating emerging technologies, and disrupting established industries.

In exponential thinking, one starts with the mindset of THRIVABILITY (thrive + ability), a word coined by Aaron Bare and N. Forbes Shannon (the co-author). Most entrepreneurs are looking at surviving with the hope of becoming a successful and sustainable company. Thrivability goes beyond these. It is when leadership thinks big AND considers the impact of company decisions on all stakeholders and the ecosystem – employees, the environment and the society. This is the new generation of leadership that Aaron would like to have step forward in the world. Companies that follow the  “The Rhodium Rule” for human conduct. It includes The Platinum Rule but Rhodium adds exponential thinking and THRIVABILITY; considering the entire ecosystem and the intended or unintended consequences of your decisions.

Aaron feels it is time for a new generation of leadership that encompasses purposeful, conscious, digital, and above all, exponential thinking.

See the community story here. 

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