November 12, 2022

Aaron Bare earns Certified Heroic Coach

Heroic Coach is a research-backed 300-Day program to help you be the best version of yourself.

We take the best of Ancient Wisdom and Modern Science and turn it into practical lessons, exercises, and tools to help you have more energy, do your best work, and feel more connected than ever before.

We think of the two groups like this:

Masters. Individuals who want to live their most heroic lives by mastering themselves and the Heroic perspective while integrating the wisdom gained from the program into their various leadership roles—from entrepreneurs, CEOs, venture capitalists, military leaders and HR executives to therapists, school principals, yoga teachers, and world-class moms.

Coaches. Individuals who want to live their most heroic lives by mastering themselves and the Heroic perspective while integrating the wisdom gained from the program into their new or existing coaching practice.

Our program serves both of those groups. From my perspective, the (!) most important thing we help everyone do to boost their professional success—whether that’s the CEO or the Coach—is to become a radiant Optimizing exemplar. (Aka the best version of themselves!)

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